TOEFL 實力養成班
在這堂課裡,你會學到:- Improve and Widen Sentences and Words Ideas
- Build the Reasoning and Adopt Logic Thinking
- Enhance Integrated Information Ability
- Effective Communication
- Summarizing
- Well-Article Organization
- Well-Structure Texts Ability
- Bulid Paragraph Coherence
- Increase Congitive Abilities of Reading
- Greater Comprehension Language Works
【課程長度】每次 1 - 2 小時,可依實際情形調整
【課程頻率】每週 1 - 2 次,可依實際需求調整
【使用教材】教師自製教材 + 官方指定教科書 + Prep books
【具備基礎】No prerequisites